Frequently Asked Questions​

1) To upload your site logo open the theme customizer by going to “Appearance > Customize” and under the site identity tab you can upload your logo.
To get your logo image to show up please follow the steps below
1- head up to “Theme Templates > All Templates” in The admin menu hover over header and click edit with Elementor
2- If you see that the page is blank that’s just because the header is transparent just hover over the top of the page and click on the section and give it a background until you finish editing
3- after that search for logo in the elementor search bar and drag the element on top where Gentium Text is placed
4-  after that in the site logo element settings change LogoType to logo and delete the text that says Gentium by right-clicking on it and choose delete.
and the same goes for the sticky header
To change the mobile logo please open the theme customizer and navigate to     “Gentium Theme Settings > Header > Mobile Header” and there you will see where you can upload the mobile logo see picture to understand better
to change the hero image please follow the steps below

some of the shapes you see in the home page were done using custom code and to change their colors please follow the steps in the picture

you need to edit the portfolio items with elementor to do that please follow the steps in the picture

Yes you can hide the preloader to do that please open the theme customizer and navigate to “Gentium Theme Settings > Preloader” and there you will find the option to hide the preloader


To import the demo data to import the demo data please follow the steps in the picture

And To update the theme please follow these steps
1) take a full site backup just to make sure 
2) download and install and activate the Envato market plugin from here
3) after installing and activation the plugin you need to set up the Envato plugin with a token to do that please follow this guide
4) after doing that now you can head up to appearance and update the theme automatically
If you have any other questions please feel free to ask 
Best Regards,
Pixerex Support Team.

To learn more about Elementor please follow the link bellow

The solution to this problem is to upload the right zip
To make sure that you did install the right zip please follow the steps below 
  1. Navigate to the Themeforest Downloads section
  2. Find the theme purchase and click on the Download button next to the theme name.
  3. In the opened drop down choose between:
    • All Files & Documentation – contains the installable WordPress file, documentation, and other assets,
    • Installable WordPress File Only – contains only the theme zip file that you use to install our theme. 
you can choose Installable WordPress File Only and install it directly or you can download  All Files & Documentation   and inside this zip please navigate to Themes and choose as the right zip to install
And you can get more information about this issue here

You need o delete the images of the about section see picture to learn more

1) To edit the contact form style you need to open its template in elementor and to do that please follow the steps in the picture
2)  to configure the contact form 7 plugin email settings please  watch this tutorial for more informations
To use custom font you need to follow these steps

1) To use the fonts in the page builder please install and activate this plugin into your site and follow the info in the pictures


2) to use the fonts in the blog single blog and mobile menu which are controlled via the theme customizer please follow this steps


  1. inside the theme folder head up to the assets folder create a new folder called fonts and upload the .Woff and .Woff2 format for each font                    
  2. open the style .css and added this code into the first line after where it says # Normalize ( see pic and the code is below) 
  3. you can edit the theme using the builtin WP theme editor or via ftp
  4. and the last step is to add this code to the functions.php file   ( see pics and the code is below) 
@font-face {
 font-family: ‘font-name‘;
 src: url(‘assets/fonts/ font-name.woff2′) format(‘woff2’),
 url(‘assets/fonts/ font-name.woff’) format(‘woff’);
 font-weight: normal;
 font-style: normal;
@font-face {
 font-family: ‘font-name‘;
 src: url(‘assets/fonts/ font-name2.woff2′) format(‘woff2’),
 url(‘assets/fonts/ font-name2.woff’) format(‘woff’);
 font-weight: normal;
 font-style: normal;
function pr_custom_fonts( $standard_fonts ){
$my_custom_fonts = array();
$my_custom_fonts[‘ font-name ‘] = array(
‘label’ => ‘Caros‘,
‘variants’ => array(‘200′,’300′,’regular’,’600′,’700′),
‘stack’ => ‘ font-name , sans-serif’,
return array_merge_recursive( $my_custom_fonts, $standard_fonts );
add_filter( ‘kirki/fonts/standard_fonts’, ‘pr_custom_fonts’, 20 );

yes you can change it but you will need to do some code changes

1) To remove the vertical lines above the section follow the steps in the pictures
2) and to remove the vertical pink box  follow the steps in the pictures
Best Regards